What is the Sexiest Part of a Woman's Body

PollSexyBodyFemResults.JPG (19452 bytes)
52% were Male....21% were Female...27% were unidentified?
Conclusion #1 Things haven't changed much in the last 300 years!
Conclusion #2: There is still Hope! Face came in 2nd Place!!!

Comments and Conclusions

This informal poll was recently taken at Romance City. There were approximately 200 respondents, hardly enough to make the poll results scientifically or statistically valid. Still, the results are interesting. The clear winner was breasts being picked as the sexiest part of the female anatomy. Apparently even some women hold this opinion. The poll did not ask, which is sexier, small, medium or large size breasts? For fear of offending thousands of women everywhere, we do not intend to ask that question; however, if men are answering the question, we believe, with very little doubt, we could accurately guess how that would end up too.


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